Thursday, October 25, 2012

Look What I Have!

The proof for my children's book, WHO WILL DANCE WITH ME? came in the mail yesterday. Check out the pictures. Sorry they're a bit blurry. My camera doesn't like the lighting in my apartment.
Cover Work.

Interior Spread

Interior Art
My daughter making
Bunny read.
Bunny making an appearance

Want to win a copy for your little princess or prince? Check out the contest!

Thursday, October 18, 2012

My First Contest!

With my children's book WHO WILL DANCE WITH ME? scheduled to hit shelves next month combined with seeing so many awesome kids in costumes last weekend, I've decided to hold my first ever contest. Winner(s) will received a signed copy of the book. Want to know how to win? Here are the rules:

  • Take a picture of your child in an awesome costume and e-mail it to me, along with your child's first name, age and an e-mail address I can reach you at. Subject line should read: I want to dance! (This will keep it from being deleted.)
  • Pictures can be sent any time between now and November 5th.
  • Starting November 1st, I will be putting the pictures I receive up on the blog. People can then vote on their favorites, so make sure you let your friends and family know! Voting will end November 15th.
  • On November 17th I will announce the winner at my book launch. 
To be eligible, the child must be 6 years old or under. It's not that I don't love older children and want to see their fabulous costumes, but my book is for a younger audience.

You do not have to be present to win, but I do ask that you live in the US to enter. 

If you have any questions or I forgot to include something, email me or comment below.

Good luck everyone! I can't wait to see the entries.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Kids at the New York Comic Con!

Creativity is awesome and a great thing to have. Kids exhibiting their creativity and imaginations are even better. Over the past weekend, I had the opportunity to see lots of kids showing off their creative sides. Here are the pictures showing just a taste of the awesomeness at NEW YORK COMIC CON 2012.

Don't BLINK!
Two Princesses
Thor & Ironman
Young Jedi


The Doctor and Dalek

After having such a great weekend and seeing how excited the kids were to dress up and show off their costumes, I decided to run a costume contest. More details to follow, but Moms & Dads, get your cameras ready!